# whoami
* Florian Gilcher
* co-founder Ferrous Systems
* co-founder Rust Foundation
* ex-rust core & community team
* Founder RustFest, OxidzieConf
* Used to work at SAP Security & Trust
# previously
* Ruby community
# currently
* https://ferrocene.dev
* Bringing Rust into functional safety
# Also
* 2nd Dan [Kyudo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ky%C5%ABd%C5%8D)
* Certified rescue diver
* & first responder
# A talk about Experiences
* Sample size **ONE**
* Disagreeable
* An offer, not a recommendation
## Before we start, some clichés.




Why do I want to talk about trust?
Because I fundamentally believe:
a) Socials are _are_ tech
b) We're doing a poor job on the trust side
## Socials are tech
Meyerovich & Rabkin, 2013
[2012: Socio-PLT: Principles for Programming Language Adoption](
[2013: Empirical Analysis of Programming Language Adoption](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lmeyerov/lmeyerov.github.io/master/projects/socioplt/papers/oopsla2013.pdf)
## Core Finding
> **Social Factors outweigh Intrinsics.**
in language adoption.
* Programmers do actually not value correctness high, expressivity is way more important.
* Programmers value correctness *more*, the larger the organisation gets.
My take 2024:
* those values are still in place
* organsational and system complexity is growing
* correctness gets a higher weight
Put the other way:
* 2013: "how do we hyperscale?"
* 2024: "how do we deal with the hyperscale?"
Bird, Murphy, Nagappan, Zimmermann
[Empirical Software Engineering at Microsoft Research, 2011](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/show104e-bird.pdf)
Coins the term
> Social Technical Congruence
# Relevant Key Finding
> We found that using technical and contribution relationships together have more power than either in isolation for predicting bugs
## Advances in Safety
[STPA - System-Theoretic Process Analysis](https://psas.scripts.mit.edu/home/get_file.php?name=STPA_handbook.pdf)
## Core goal
> STPA includes software and human operators in the analysis, ensuring that the hazard analysis
includes all potential causal factors in losses.
It particularly allows for non-technical modelling, where e.g. hierarchical relationships do _intentionally_ not imply obedience.
Which is fit for humans.
## We're doing a poor job on the trust side
## A Detour: Walter Bright
> I believe memory safety will kill C
– Walter Bright, DConf 2017
Walter postulates:
* The problem of Memory Safety is already here, the effect isn’t
* Memory Safety will become tool requirement
* The pressure will not come out of "the community"
So where does the pressure come from?
US NAVY, 2022
["We have 15 years of track record that proves that the current approach to cybersecurity, driven by a checklist mentality, is wrong, it doesn’t work."](https://www.defensenews.com/digital-show-dailies/navy-league/2022/04/05/us-navy-had-cybersecurity-wrong-expect-change/)
* NSA/CISA/BSI communication about memory safety
* UN 155,156 - Cybersecurity mandates
* The Cyber Resilience Act in the EU, which even imposes executive liability
Governments don't trust us as an industry to fix our stuff ourselves.
"It's open, you can look at it" is _not_ a trust-building activity and we're slowly figuring that out.
# [polyfill.js got backdoored](https://thehackernews.com/2024/06/over-110000-websites-affected-by.html)
This used to be an XZ slide, but there's fresh new every day.
We're standardising the technical side of trust.
So, how do we get better on the social side of trust?
# tRust
I'll be looking at a few situations from projects I work(ed) in:
* Rust Project
* rust-analyzer
* Ferrocene
How did we make those trustable projects?
Focus on:
* Trust-building activities that are relatively easy to apply
* Preferable, are close to engineering best practice anyways
# Kinds of trust
* In-group trust
* Out-group trust
* General trust
# Internal, in-group Trust
* Relatively stable over time
* Important for all out-bound activities
* Builds a kind of organisational self-confidence
"Can I turn my back to other project members and be happy with their work?"
"Can I do my work without constantly checking back on others?"
Useful activities for creating in-group trust:
* Leadership structure and education
* Clear expectations, e.g. on time commitment
* Avoidance of judgement
* High standards without perfection
* Explicitness, particularly accross cultural boundaries
In-group-trust is the basis for everything!
# External trust: the masses out there.
And they are all individuals...
# The Rust project: massively emerging
for years
The Rust environment between 2014 and 2024 changed substantially.
Each phase needs different approaches.
# Rust community team
* Be available
* Be around - but not everywhere
* Have consistent messaging
* Have consistent structures that can evolve in themselves
* Good artists steal
# community@rust-lang.org
* catch-all email
* private
* "the community switchboard"
* Active outreach
* Great task for the busy
## Simple, constant, communication rules
* Spend time on those who want to be convinced
* No comparative communication, we can only lose
* Fun is okay, but no edgyness
* We're all individuals
* 10 minutes a week > 2 hours every month
# Mindset
Our users are our friends and supporters, not leeches.
## People adopting your technologies connect their careers to you!
This is fundamentally different from:
* The hierarchical idea of a maintainer <> user relationship
* From the idea that you don't owe users anything
* Not taking responsibility from your downstream
## Aside: Disagreement is a gift
We had good experience setting up calls with dissatisfied and frustrated people.
## Aside: Anger, Frustration & Disagreement are not CoC violations
(expressing them in boundary-violating ways is)
# Trust in Disaster: Dealing with the sudden
In 2020, Mozilla layed of 250 people. And "the Rust team".
1 week later: [Laying the foundation for Rust's future](https://blog.rust-lang.org/2020/08/18/laying-the-foundation-for-rusts-future.html)
* No ahead notice
* We have a good relationship to Mozilla, which we do not want to harm
* A lot of our friends were layed of, we can't ignore that
* We need to communicate to the Rust project
* We need to communicate to the public
* We have privileged information that is positive, but we cannot disclose
* We have a committment by Mozilla in helping us to move to a foundation
* There's discussion in the project
* There's discussions outside the project
* This takes time!
* You need to communicate!
* Don't be pushed by artificial pressure!
* You can commit on future communication!
* If people trust you, they will trust your plea for time.
* This is the moment for your strongest communicators.
## A word about transparency
* Transparency is not the goal here
* Transparency is not high on my list
* It's important to **distill the truth**
# rust-analyzer: small, coherent sponsors base
rust-analyzer is a sponsored project, hosted at Ferrous Systems.
* rust-analyzer gets funding of about 60000 EUR each year.
* Many sponsors are individuals or small businesses
* They don't have a lot of capacity for conversation
* They want their money to be used well
## This week in Rust Analyzer
rust-analyzer releases an alpha every Monday, with a [changelog](https://rust-analyzer.github.io/thisweek) of the work done during the week.
## Like clockwork
After doing that for 5 years straight, it's a 30 minute thing.
Result: weekly proof that your money is working.
Aside: we just our largest sponsor, consider sponsoring :).
# Trust by Following Standards: Ferrocene
[Ferrocene](https://ferrocene.dev) is Ferrous Systems safety-certified Rust compiler.
[Public Documentation](https://public-docs.ferrocene.dev) it's also the only one with fully open source docs.
Safety-critical standards by and large work by:
* Mandate issues that need to be covered (requirement)
* Leave it (relatively) open to you how you address the issue (activities)
* Provide documentation on the successful execution of the activites (evidences)
* ISO 26262: "You need to do structured quality management"
* Us: there's a standard for that (ISO 9001), we follow that
* Outcome: we're ISO 9001 certified by TÜV SÜD
Lots of paperwork?
Standards have advantages:
* They have a lot of mindshare
* They are globally accepted and often translated
* They can be a trust proxy
* They force you to document
Standards have disadvantages:
* Mapping standards to your actual problem may be hard work
* It needs experts in the standard and in the tool
* Keeping the work effective to your work is hard
* Often closed, for pay
# Standards as inspiration
You don't need to get certified to get use out of a standard.
e.g.: we evaluated [OpenChain](https://openchainproject.org/), adopted the things that made sense, but didn't get certified.
# Summary
Good trust building is:
* Always custom to _your_ environment
* Done gradually, consistent, with measure
* Preferably _within_ existing activities
* A team effort
* A creative, fun and ultimately rewarding act
# Questions? & Experiences!
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